How to Solo Mine

Started by wowario, Jun 12, 2021, 01:39 PM

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Thanks! I did read that.

What else can be mined?

Did I read somewhere mining xmr is more lucrative?

is there similar simple route for that?

What else do you folks cpu/gpu mine that is profitable?


A post was split to a new topic: [Failed to find tx meta](/t/failed-to-find-tx-meta/914)


Quote from: "ruzindla, post:91, topic:551"Did I read somewhere mining xmr is more lucrative?

It depends on the price and network difficulty of Monero and Wownero at the time you're mining.

Usually, Wownero is more profitable (more $ per hash) and also you can get a slightly faster hashrate with Wownero's tweaked PoW.


Great guide
took a bit of to and fro but got wownerod running, got synced and finally got mining

protips [windwows x64]:

* make sure you don't have a . at the start of your commands that's for mac 'nd linux users only!

* you can copy and paste in cmd by right clicking on the top bar and selecting 'edit'.
* to start mining; make sure you exit wownerod by typing 'exit' > then use the command 'cd' to navigate to the wownerod folder on your pc [eg/ 'cd Documents' 'cd Wownero' etc.] then you can enter the command and it should spin the wheel
* using all threads available is max chances for profit but might affect pc performance, I keep one thread spare for ... other purposes so I can mine in the background.
* when mining use 'status' to check yoru mining stats, you can also set it to 'show hr' [show hashrate] to get a constant ticker of your hashrate and to see your pc's heartbeat.
* if it fails: triple check your syntax and comb through the instructions with a fine tooth comb
* be careful with your secret spend key - try and keep it off clipboard and any documents local or online.

that's the juice!



Quote from: "wowario, post:90, topic:551, full:true"congratulations, you are a solo miner. remember rewards are random and there is no guarantee when you would win a block. It could take a few days or a month or two.

Question: Does having a more powerful CPU improve your chances of winning?  
Or as you said above "rewards are random" hence CPU power (hashrate) does not increase your odds of winning, is that the case?


Yes. Your chances are proportional to your CPU's hashrate over the network difficulty. However, exactly *when* you get your reward is random.

Consider it like a loterry where your hashrate is how many tickets you have. The total of everyone's hashrate is the total number of tickets. The lottery is spun every block time (5 minutes on average) to see who wins the block.

However, this is only a rough analogy. In the real mining algorithm, the lottery is continuously spun and there is a chance that no one will win, so there will be times when a block is won sooner or later than average. The chances (i.e., network difficulty) are dynamically adjusted to target that average 5 minutes per win.

This is what is meant by the rewards being random, but in the long run it all averages out.

Do note however that in the long run, the total network hashrate fluctuates too as miners join and leave the network, and with most coins there is a consistent upwards trend which you should factor into your ROI calculations if you're interested in mining.


Quote from: "orklemerkle, post:96, topic:551"Your chances are proportional to your CPU's hashrate over the network difficulty.

Thanks for the excellent answer.  Here is a follow-up question...

Let's say there are 3 different miners with equal hash rate but differing configurations as follows:

* **Miner A:  5 x 1,000 Hash/sec** (5 x PCs that are solo mining individually not via XMrig Proxy)

* **Miner B: 1 x 5,000 Hash/sec** (a single PC that is solo mining)

* **Miner C: 2 x 2,500 Hash/sec** (2 x PCs mining via XMrig Proxy, hence I presume hashrate is combined)

Do any of these setups have an advantage over the other?


Miner A's five machines are completely independent, so there is no single point of failure. However, you might run into trouble if one machine or another falls out of sync with the blockchain, for example due to network issues or software/hardware problems. Also, you incur five PCs' worth of overhead in power, cost, and management.

Miner B could be the most power-efficient, but if that one PC has a problem for whatever reason (software errors, another program eating up the CPU, or reboot for update), you entire hashrate drops.

Miner C has the advantage of not going down completely if one PC drops out. However, you still have a single point of failure in the proxy and wownero daemon, unless you run two of those and cross-link them.

In this case I'd set up a third high-reliability machine to run the proxy and daemon, while the miners can run optimised for hashrate per watt (overclocking, undervolting, less cooling, etc.). The miners will need a reliable, low-latency connection to the proxy in order to avoid stale shares, although in practice they won't show up until you go transcontinental or something.

**TL;DR:** Each have advantages and disadvantages in terms of efficiency and reliability, though personally I'd avoid setup A.


Quote from: "orklemerkle, post:98, topic:551"In this case I'd set up a third high-reliability machine to run the proxy and daemon, while the miners can run optimised for hashrate per watt (overclocking, undervolting, less cooling, etc.)

Thanks heap @orklemerkle. the above is excellent advise and I will plan on doing this.  

Would you recommend my backup proxy & daemon be built using this nice script by @qvqc -  , or does this add a level of risk, I'd appreciate your thoughts?


You're welcome!

The script looks good, but it also makes your node public and exposes it via Tor and I2P. If this is for your backup node running behind the same IP as another node, that's rather inefficient at best. But if it's at a different location, go for it. We can always use more nodes.

I guess it's possible use the script and then manually close the ports, disable Tor and I2P, etc., but as I don't use the script myself I can't help much with that.


you can disable extra wownerod after running the script
* pick one machine to run wownerod and xmrig proxy
* on other machines run `systemctl stop wownerod` and `systemctl disable wownerod`
* follow the guide by @jrswab , How To Mine Wownero With Xmrig Proxy
* **Bonus:** add service files for xmrig and xmrig-proxy so they autostart on reboot

if you find some issue, lmk :)


Every three mining devices a proxy and a node, efficiency, scalability, redundancy.


In the miner side using config.json you can make it ready to switch the proxy in case of failure.

"pools": [
            "algo": "rx/wow",
            "coin": null,
            "url": "IP_PROXY_A",
            "user": "WALLET",
            "spend-secret-key": "EXPEND_SECRET_KEY",
            "pass": null,
            "rig-id": "MINER_ID",
            "algo": "rx/wow",
            "coin": null,
            "url": "IP_PROXY_B",
            "user": "WALLET",
            "spend-secret-key": "EXPEND_SECRET_KEY",
            "pass": null,
            "rig-id": "MINER_ID",
            "algo": "rx/wow",
            "coin": null,
            "url": "IP_PROXY_C",
            "user": "WALLET",
            "spend-secret-key": "EXPEND_SECRET_KEY",
            "pass": null,
            "rig-id": "MINER_ID",


Yup, this is a good way of switching proxies automatically in case of failure.

Remember that you don't need to put your spend key in the miner config when you're mining to a proxy, though. You only need that if you mine directly to a daemon.


i see when 2 min after tx send,wownerod report this in red: E   failed to find tx meta <8b5e53....whats that mean?