How To Mine Wownero With Xmrig Proxy

Started by jrswab, Jul 06, 2021, 04:56 PM

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Just to be fair, I have solo mined before on both cpu and gpu and shares would show up when I found them, and then when I won the block it would show that too. Shares being found would show up as yes in the color green, so that is why I was wondering why no shares were being shown using XMrig.


As I've said elsewhere in this thread, `custom-diff` does not affect mining performance (much), only how accurate the hashrate display on `xmrig-proxy` is and how much CPU and network load it causes.

Shares per minute per miner = 60 _(seconds/minute)_ * hashrate per miner _(H/s)_ / custom difficulty _(hashes)_

Sum up the shares/minute for all your miners and that's the total number of shares per minute that `xmrig-proxy` will have to handle. Use your favourite monitoring program (`htop`, `iftop`, GNOME System Monitor, or Windows Task Manager) to find out how much load `xmrig-proxy` is under.

If you have a dedicated machine for daemon and proxy, you can go crazy and set a low difficulty to get shares every few seconds, but if you're mining on the same machine you'll want to make sure you're not adversely affecting `xmrig`'s hashrate (which is the *real* hashrate for that miner).


How shares/minute relate to hashrate display accuracy is an interesting question, and might well be worth its own post. I'll need to break out my statistics textbook for that, though, so maybe in a few days. Meanwhile, does anyone else want to give it a try?


Quote from: "freemewownero, post:60, topic:672"I have no idea what I am doing wrong, since I used the video on how to set up mining multiple pcs, but only the works.

Which video are you referring to?

Quote from: "freemewownero, post:60, topic:672"I must be doing something wrong, but all the research I have done has not helped so far.

You might want to check your firewall settings. Are your PCs all connected to the same LAN?


I used this video to set up my miners:. When I set up the xmrig config JSON file on the other miners and pointed them to my IPv4 address from the pc that is running the wownero node, it wouldn't mine, so I just ran the wownero node using the standard solo mining IP address on each PC and the miners work. Just can't figure out why it wouldn't work. I have never had issues with mining before, but I am not a node expert either. It is not a huge issue, but running the node does slow down the hash rate just a bit on each pc. I only have a combined hash rate of about 7kh, so not for sure how long it would take to find a block, maybe weeks or months.


Quote from: "freemewownero, post:64, topic:672"When I set up the xmrig config JSON file on the other miners and pointed them to my IPv4 address from the pc that is running the wownero node, it wouldn't mine

Did you run the `.bat` file instead of directly starting `wownerod.exe` on the main computer, and have you allowed `wownerod.exe` through your firewall? That might be the problem.

Quote from: "freemewownero, post:64, topic:672"I only have a combined hash rate of about 7kh, so not for sure how long it would take to find a block, maybe weeks or months.

In `xmrig`, you'll see the difficulty every new block (`new job from xxx:34568 diff yyy algo rx/wow height zzz`), which as I write is about 28.4 billion. Divide that by your hashrate in H/s, and that's the expected time to find a block in seconds. Divide that again by 86400 to get the time in days, which for 7 kH/s is about 40-ish days by my count.

Note that the difficulty can change rather dramatically, so go check a block explorer or mining calculator for current difficulty trends.


Yes I did those and still it won't work. Oh well I will just have to run the node on each PC, not a huge deal. Thanks for the help with the finding a block calculations.


run wownerod.exe directly without other commads?is that right?i have 50kh for about 3weeks but i found  0 block/share.Wownerod,proxy,xmrig,hashrate report all seems work well and i have checked there is no latency.only sometimes on several pc xmrig hashrate drop very low and need a manual restart.i suspect something wrong...


if i use xmrig proxy just in this topic,did i need to run .bat in that video to add commad?and what is the use of that .bat?


Quote from: "criver, post:67, topic:672"run wownerod.exe directly without other commads?is that right?

If you use `xmrig-proxy`, you don't need to supply additional command-line parameters to `wownerod`. (It may still be a good idea to adjust its config for better network connectivity.)

Quote from: "criver, post:67, topic:672"Wownerod,proxy,xmrig,hashrate report all seems work well and i have checked there is no latency.

So `xmrig-proxy` reports hashrate, but still shows 0 shares? It might just be your luck. Also check latency between your `wownerod` and its peers. Are you getting to the same blockchain height as block explorers in a timely manner?

Quote from: "criver, post:68, topic:672"and what is the use of that .bat?

It's used to expose `wownerod` to the network, so as to enable `xmrig` on other computers to connect to it directly. Since you seem to be using `xmrig-proxy`, you only need to expose the proxy itself and not `wownerod`. That's set in `config.json`.


Quote from: "orklemerkle, post:62, topic:672"Shares per minute per miner = 60 *(seconds/minute)* * hashrate per miner *(H/s)* / custom difficulty *(hashes)*

Thanks for sharing the above formula and for explaining more about the "custom-diff" setting for us folks mining with xmrig proxy.


no,no any latency between wownerod and block explorer.maybe just bad luck :pensive:,i will keep mining,hope i can find a share soon,actually i just want to figure out if i am mining correctly,you cant confirm that before you get a block,different with pool mining.


There are few things you can check:

* Do `xmrig-proxy` and your miners' `xmrig`s show `new job` every new block?
* Does `xmrig-proxy` report hashes from miners? (Type `w` into the proxy console.)
* Can you send and receive transactions if your wallet is set to use your `wownerod` as its node?

The last one is quite important--I managed to mess up my `wownerod` config when I was just starting and wasn't able to send transactions.



1 2 OK.but last one,idk how to set my wallet to use my node. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


i just set wowlet node to and successfully send a tx,now it is waiting confirm.