Old version of wallet that runs on Mac OS 10.14.6?

Started by commodus, Jul 04, 2021, 03:26 PM

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Is there an older version of the WOWlite desktop wallet that will still run on Mac OS 10.14.6? If so, where can i download it? Or is that not advisable? (The latest version requires an operating-system upgrade & i'm not ready for that at this time.) Are there alternative wallets? I've tried Wowstash but it doesn't work.


I was able to compile this and get it running on 10.14 if you still need it, the tickers/reddit pieces don't seem to work but the wallet part does. I might be able to upload the binary for you somewhere if you still need it.


The build instructions are the URL below that I followed.

Getting QT 5.15.1 part of the build is slightly different as there is no offline installer for that version, and if you don't use 5.15.1 the build will fail. I can add that part in a little while, I would have to get my notes from the other week. Let me know if you are interested.

Build instructions:


If you have homebrew installed on your Mac OS you can run these:

brew install tor
brew services start tor

And the reddit ticker etc. will work (wowlet needs Tor to operate)


thank you dsc! I will give that a try.
Do you happen to have access to modify the build docs on git? I modified the mac os steps for Qt slightly and maybe it could help some users.


I fixed git.wownero.com yesterday so that new user registrations work again. Feel free to submit a PR :slight_smile:


awesome, that tor suggestion worked. I will file a pr in a bit.

thanks again!


Was trying to get setup but I can't seem to get signed in or create a new user or use my account from here.

I am hitting a 500 error or get stuck at register new account / link to existing account options. Tried different browsers ff/chrome/brave(chrome) but seems to be the same across all of those.


Oh, sorry, I fixed that just now. Everything broke after upgrading. Please try again.


Thank you. Login worked initially but when I committed and tried to git push origin it fails on login


did you use ssh for checkout?  you may need to add your key to gitea


I did not use ssh to checkout just git-clone over https, let me look around a bit more to get my bearings. I appreciate your reply.


I've added a key and using ssh now. I am getting closer but I think I don't have the correct permissions to push. I am not sure I doing it right but feels like it should work.

git clone gitea@git.wownero.com:wowlet/wowlet.git
cd wowlet/docs
git checkout -b update-docs
git add BUILDING.md
git commit -m "docs: adding Qt build hints for mac os"
#: ~/Downloads/builds/wowlet/docs$ git push -u origin update-docs
Gitea: Unauthorized
Gitea: Unauthorized
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

-auth seems ok
#: ssh -T gitea@git.wownero.com
Hi there, $username! You've successfully authenticated with the key named ******, but Gitea does not provide shell access.
If this is unexpected, please log in with password and setup Gitea under another user.


try this:

* make a fork of wowlet using gitea fork button
* checkout your fork
* commit changes to your fork
* make a pull request to wowlet/wowlet using the gitea interface


Ok thank you! I understand the process now,

I am actually getting a 500 error when hitting the fork button logged in as my user so I may have jumped past that initial step by accident.