How to Solo Mine

Started by wowario, Jun 12, 2021, 01:39 PM

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I am use wowstash and cli wallet
bbalance is zero!!!


blocks in blockchain!!!
but balance zero in wowstash!!!!


stalker9 zero
maybe problem has xmrigproxy?


maybe, check with XMRig support


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I am sure this is in here somewhere but is there a windows build? I am trying to build but having issues with Cygwin and ZMQ headers.


alguem ja conseguiu mineirar ou receber algo... sera posivel executar mais de um no com a mesma carteira


I have also tried to use an xmrig proxy for all my 64 nodes. Unfortunately without success. On the Linux VM with xmrig proxy I got your wownerod miner running and left it active (only stop_mining activated on the miner) Blockchain is completely downloaded and synchronised on the machine.

On this VM I also managed to get an xmrig miner running. But unfortunately no xmrig proxy!!!

I have only entered wallet data via command line `./xmrig-proxy -o --coin wownero -u YOUR-ADDRESS --spendkey SECRET-SPENDKEY --daemon`

xmrig proxy reports the following:

./xmrig-proxy: unrecognized option '--spend-secret-key'
./xmrig-proxy: unrecognized option '--daemon'
[2021-07-05 02:23:52.081] ./xmrig-proxy: unsupported non-option argument 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
 * ABOUT xmrig-proxy/6.13.0 gcc/5.4.0
 * LIBS libuv/1.41.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1k
 * MODE nicehash
 * POOL #1 coin wownero
 * BIND #1
 * BIND #2 [::]:3333
 * COMMANDS hashrate, connections, verbose, workers
[2021-07-05 02:23:52.084] net read error: "end of file"
[2021-07-05 02:23:54.085] net read error: "end of file"

So I can't find a way to start xmrig proxy in conjunction with wownerod.

But xmrig miner is running on this machine. My problem is that I cannot give internet access to my nodes and can only run a miner via proxy.

Please think about a procedure for this, otherwise there is no possibility to mine Wownero with my system of over 1.2 MHz/s.



check if connections are being blocked by a firewall. open ports 34567 and 34568

find out what is the local LAN IP for computer running the node and enable RPC by adding this to wownerod, `--p2p-bind-ip=NODE_LAN_IP --p2p-bind-port=34567 --rpc-bind-ip=NODE_LAN_IP --rpc-bind-port=34568 --disable-rpc-ban=1 --restricted-rpc=1 --rpc-ssl=autodetect` and ping the node from other PCs within the network to check it is reachable with this call:

curl http://NODE_LAN_IP:34568/json_rpc -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_info"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
if you can ping the node, try running:

 ./xmrig-proxy -o NODE_LAN_IP:34568 --coin wownero -u YOUR_ADDRESS --spend-secret-key SPENDKEY --daemon


I'm sorry I'm not quite understanding. So I have 3 rigs, and I need to run wownerod on one of them, and then xmrig on that one that's running the node and xmrig proxy on the other 2 I believe. I tried to run wownerod with --p2p-bind-ip=NODE_LAN_IP --p2p-bind-port=34567 --rpc-bind-ip=NODE_LAN_IP --rpc-bind-port=34568 --disable-rpc-ban=1 --restricted-rpc=1 --rpc-ssl=autodetect with filling in my local lan IP but it won't start with these settings. My router cannot handle running a node on all 3 rigs unfortunately so I'm still only able to mine with one out of 3 (only 15kh/s). Running wownerod on one computer and linking xmrig to it is pretty simple to me but once I get into  getting 3 computers on running off of one node with xmrig proxy I'm really at a loss. If we could have someone make step by step instructions I'd be more than happy to pay for it with WOW it's just that I've been trying for many hours and I can't seem to figure it out.


I am not very familiar with XMRig.

Perhaps you could open a bounty on WFS for someone to write a step by step guide on using XMRig proxy on multiple computers.


I tried to follow the instructions but when I drag and drop the unzipped folder into cmd, it doesnt work for me. It says that its not recognized as an internal or external command operable program