Wowlet v2.1.0 Released - Much WOW!

Started by wowario, May 16, 2021, 04:13 AM

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How to install

## Linux

#### Ubuntu/Debian/ Linux Mint/Pop!_OS/ MX Linux/elementary OS

1. Download Deb package
2. Open terminal, download and import gpg key (if you don't have it already)
wget && gpg --import dsc.asc
3. Copy and paste all the signature block (including BEGIN and END parts) to a text editor and save file as `this_message.txt`
4. Verify gpg signature of text file, you should see "Good signature" message.  If you don't, do not install the package and report issue to devs.
gpg --verify this_message.txt
5. Get the SHA256 hash of downloaded file
shasum -a 256 wowlet_2.1_amd64.deb
6. Compare the resulting hash to the hash in `this_message.txt` file.  If they do not match, do not install the package and report issue to devs.
7. Now that the package is verified, you can install with:  
`sudo dpkg -i wowlet_2.1_amd64.deb`
This will automaticay install all the files to your system and you should be able to find Wowlet from the menu. You might need to log out and log back in if icons do not appear.
8. If you want to uninstall, run:
`sudo apt-get remove wowlet`

#### Arch Linux/Manjaro/Artix AUR package
* `yay -S wowlet-git`
* Start `tor` service
* Open wowlet from menu
* To uninstall: `yay -Rs wowlet-git`


Thanks for the update. Will there be macOS version?
