Post memes on

Started by wowwowiii, May 14, 2021, 06:16 PM

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Hey guys, extremely new, no Idea how to code, basic idea of how crypto works. Have wonerujo wallet, was trying to find out how to post memes on was told to open an account at, which I did, but I don't see any sort of login option at Do I need to know code basics to post on the site? Was kinda hoping I could just create some memes with a paint app and upload for fun. Anyone know if I'm on the right track here? Or is this task way over my head for a wow noob?

Thnx for the help.


when ur on suchwow do u see the submit button at the top left?  clicking that u will get asked to enter a receiving address and then u should be able to post


There was a menu on the top right for me, wasn't working earlier when I clicked on it nothing would happen. Now it seems to be working fine. Thanks for the help slurps, maybe I can WOW you with one. Watch out for it! lol
