Efficient way to buy WOW

Started by houndvoyager, Nov 06, 2021, 08:18 PM

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Hello all!

I'd like to buy some WOW with some FIAT and I was wondering what would be a good way (AFAIK it's FIAT so not ideal) to do so.
IMPORTANT: I cannot mine WOW (which would be a pretty anonymous way of getting WOW no?)

What I thought of:

1st solution:
Buy LTC from Coinbase with CC and send it to a trading platform (TradeOgre), change it into BTC and then into WOW.
Problem: KYC on Coinbase as well as fees because of the 4 transactions (Coinbase => TradeOgre, LTC=>BTC, BTC=>WOW, WOW to my wallet)

2nd solution:
Buy BTC from an ATM machine with cash (no ID needed but 7% of the amount bought in fees), import into wallet with no KYC (Muun for example), send to TradeOgre, convert to WOW and send to wallet.

After writing it down I kinda feel they're two very similar solutions...

Either way, what would you recommend and if you have any other solutions, well SHOOTTTT

See you around :slight_smile:


KYC is pretty much only an issue until you exchange into a fungible coin like XMR or WOW *and* transfer it to your wallet. Personally I'd do something like:

1. Fiat -> XMR (KYC no problem here)
2. Withdraw XMR to wallet (breaks the trail here)
3. Deposit XMR from wallet to TradeOgre
4. XMR -> BTC -> WOW
5. Withdraw WOW to your wallet

Depending on the amount, the exchange fees might be insignificant. XMR transfer fees are much more... reasonable than BTC or ETH these days.

**EDITED** to add step 5--can't forget that last step :grinning:


Hi there!

Thanks for the answer!
What I did was get Stellar Lumens on Coinbase (don't ask me why I bought Lumens, I don't know) and then used https://fixedfloat.com/ to convert it into XMR using my wallet address.
I'm in the process of sending it to TradeOgre and do your steps 4. and 5!

Thanks again :)


KYC is an issue until you exchange into  XMR or WOW and transfer it to your wallet.

    Fiat → LTC (KYC exchange)
    Withdraw LTC to Cake wallet
    Swap LTC → XMR in Cake wallet
    Deposit XMR from wallet to TradeOgre or FreeBitcoins
    XMR → BTC → WOW
    Withdraw WOW to your wallet

Depending on the amount, the exchange fees will eat some coin.