Wowlet 3 big sur error/damaged app won't open

Started by wowzers, Aug 19, 2021, 04:03 PM

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So , I had recently downloaded and opened wowlet 3 for macos big sur... opened wallet , coins were there...

now , went to open wallet and was met with the error :
"You do not have permission to open the application"

I searched and it seems it might be an issue with big sur ... some said they went ahead and re-installed whatever app was giving them an issue and problem fixed ,  so i did that with wowlet 3 ... upon attempting to open i am met with : **You can't open the application "wowlet" because it may be damaged or incomplete.**  - and the icon now has the classic "no" symbol on it ....

another solution one person suggested was updating to latest big sur update - havent done that yet and would rather not , dammit .

anyone know whats up with this ? had this issue ?

and is my wallet.dat ok ?

thanks !


What type of processor is in your machine running mac os 11?


Quote from: "wowzers, post:1, topic:861"and is my wallet.dat ok ?

Have you written down your seed words?

If not, please back up this file and keep it somewhere safe! (Somewhere offline though, like a USB flash drive or portable hard drive. **Not** Google Drive or similar service)


sorry for the delay ... its an intel processor... 2019 mac air


forgive the delay please...

yes i wrote them down , both the 25 and the 14...

i am assuming by "this file" you are referring to the 25 word seed phrase and not the .dat file ... is that correct ?


I believe "this file" refers to `wallet.dat`. If you didn't have your seed phrase, you'd need the `.dat` file. Since you *do* have your seed, you don't strictly need to keep the file, but it's a good idea to have a copy anyway.

If you do keep a copy, it's best to keep it offline, as above. It will be safe to delete that copy when things are working again.