Wowlet's Linux binary crashes on non-AVX machines

Started by orklemerkle, Aug 09, 2021, 03:13 PM

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Quote from: "trichom, post:15, topic:848"Sadly the windows exe stopped working on Wine for some reaso

have you tried the linux binary @orklemerkle posted?

Quote from: "orklemerkle, post:11, topic:848, full:true"I ended up brute-forcing past this by building Wowlet inside a VM set to emulate a Core 2 (Conroe) processor from 2006. Let's see if it works:

curl -f -o wowlet.gz && \
echo f7f2343a975d7fa7ab2630a4f5e2703bd7f3f00f34537e035966e6394af60f6f wowlet.gz | sha256sum -c && \
gunzip wowlet.gz && \
echo 522281ac0e54f25b22d6c20f3e5019c16a138094752f8a80bf9f2daf108321c6 wowlet | sha256sum -c && \
chmod +x wowlet

(Watch out, `curl` does not bother to ask before overwriting files.)


I am bad at CLI. This is chinese to me. I don't know what to do with this. Do I paste it in a terminal or what :) I installed the cli wallet, but does the seed work from wowlet to cli wallet. Or can I sweep private key or something?


Paste the whole block in terminal and run, or..

Download and extract this link (its wowlet gui).  Set the permissions to execute and run.
 The extra CLI commands above validate the download.


YEAAA!!! Success!!! VeRRy Niiice!!! Thanks for the tip!


Big thanks to you ma genius man!!! You made it work. I'm just a Linux enthusiast but on the gui part and didn't get what you were saying. Downloaded your build and moved it to ma bin. It works perfectly.


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