Connect Wownerujo to my own Node

Started by heady_wook, Aug 08, 2021, 01:23 AM

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How can I connect my wownerujo wallet to my own node I currently run? I am on linux manjaro. I have synced the blockchain and am solo mining. How can I find my node info to connect to my own wallet? Currently, the wallet is not syncing properly with the available public nodes. I would like to connect my own wownero wallet to my own node and perhaps have some friends connect to my node too.


Unfortunately, Wownerujo has been broken since the last hard fork.

QuoteWonerujo broke. With introduction of Bulletproofs+ and updated APIs in v0.10, the mobile wallet code needs to be refactored. This takes time (and interest to do it). By donating WOW, the Wownero community shows support for mobile wallet development.


By default, your node should be listening on `localhost:34568`. Check your `wownerod` config or command-line arguments--the relevant ones are `rpc-bind-port` and `rpc-bind-ip`. Alternatively, run `sudo netstat -lnpt` to see what programs are listening on what (TCP) addresses.


I tried but to no avail. I ran the commands in the terminal running wownerod miner/ wownero wallet cli and they are not valid commands and not listed in the command list. I also didn't see any relevant commands. Where am I supposed to run these? As for config, where is this located?


With local host, does this imply connecting to the same WiFi?


Quote from: "heady_wook, post:3, topic:844"As for config, where is this located?

How are you running `wownerod` on your node? Are you running it manually in the terminal or via systemd?

The configuration can come from command-line options passed to `wownerod`, or a configuration file specified by the `--config-file` option. Note that options passed on the command line start with `--`, but the leading dashes are omitted in a config file.

If there aren't any options, `wownerod` uses its defaults. See `wownerod --help`. See also the corresponding Monero documentation.

Quote from: "heady_wook, post:4, topic:844, full:true"With local host, does this imply connecting to the same WiFi?

Ah, sorry. I misread and thought you wanted to run your wallet on the same machine as your node. `localhost` only works on the same machine. You'll need to configure `wownerod` to listen for RPC on an externally-accessible address and connect your wallet to its address:port combination. This depends on your network setup, and there are more than a few fays to go about it:

1. Listen on your local (W)LAN IP address. Unless you've set up routing or forwarding, only machines on the same network can access it.
2. Using Tor as detailed in [qvqc's guide] lets you bypass most networking woes and works from almost everywhere. Exceptions include countries where Tor is blocked.
3. Use a managed VPN like Hamachi or Tailscale to connect your node and wallet. Listen on the IP address assigned to your VPN interface. (Ditto for self-hosted VPN.)
4. If your node is running on a VPS, chances are you can listen on a public IP address directly.

[qvqc's guide]: /t/how-to-setup-a-full-node-with-tor-i2p/588

Port forwarding is also an option, but is highly dependent on your ISP. Look for guides or instructions specific to your ISP; calling customer service might help, or it might not.

To set up the RPC listener, set these options in your config file (or convert them to command-line options):


`RPC_PORT` defaults to 34568 for Wownero.

`YOUR_IP` is the IP address of your node on the network interface of your choice (see above). This can be set to `` to listen on all interfaces.

`confirm-external-bind=1` is required to bind to any IP except `localhost`. If you pass this on the command line, this becomes `--confirm-external-bind`.

It's a good idea to set `restricted-rpc=1` (`--restricted-rpc` on the command line) if your node can be reached by others, such as on a public-facing IP address or a publicly-known `.onion` address. It's probably safe to omit it on local or private networks.

**EDITED:** typos