Transaction will not confirm

Started by pifflepyramid, Aug 07, 2021, 09:02 PM

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Hi, im using wowlet 3.0 , i transferred to wallet an initial amount a few months back and that went fine then transferred a 2nd amount. I thought it had completed but it had not. I just opened the wallet today and the 2nd transaction has not completed and will not complete, the wallet will not sync, downloaded about 18gb so far, so it said and blocks are rising not falling. Will the wallet eventually sync and transaction complete? What can i do to confirm 2nd  transaction?


Quote from: "pifflepyramid, post:1, topic:842"completed but it had not. I just opened the wallet today and the 2nd transaction has not completed and will not complete, the wallet will not sync, downloaded about 18gb so far, so it said and blocks are rising not falling. Will the wallet eventually sync and transaction complete? What can i do to confirm 2nd transaction?

If you haven't already try restoring your wallet with the seed phrase.


Hi, i just did that, now i have zero balance and wallet is still not syncing! This is really great! Out of the frying pan into a bigger fire. Any ideas?


ok, all fixed now, thought i was using v3 but wasn't, duh



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